TIN Aspect

Open Table of Contents ToolBox Implementation
Calculates the aspect (compass direction of the slope) for each TIN Triangle. Groups the triangles based on their Aspect category and creates a polygon dataset with 9 Aspect categories.


  • A ESRI TIN or PolygonZ TIN


  • A polygon feature class 
  • A new field ET_ACode will be added to the polygon attribute table. The values in this field will indicate the aspect groups.
    • N - North ( 0 to 22.5 and 337.5 to 360)
    • NE - North East (22,5 to 67.5)
    • E - East (67.5 to 112.5)
    • SE - South East (112.5 to 157.5)
    • S - South (67.5 to 112.5)
    • SW - South West (202.5 to 247.5)
    • W - West (247.5 to 292.5)
    • NW - North West (292.5 to 337.5)
    • U - Undefined - Slope = 0

ToolBox implementation

Command line syntax - two different toolbox tools available depending on the type of the input TIN. Check the color coding for specifics.

ETS_GPAspectFromEsriTIN <Input TIN>  <Out Feature Class>
ETS_GPAspectFromPolygonZTIN <Input TIN>  <Out Feature Class>


Expression Explanation
<Input TIN> An ESRI TIN layer or dataset
<Input TIN> A PolygonZ TIN (feature class)
<Out Feature Class> A String - the full name of the output feature class.

Scripting syntax

ETS_GPAspectFromEsriTIN (Input TIN, Out Feature Class)

ETS_GPAspectFromPolygonZTIN (Input TIN, Out Feature Class)

See the explanations above:
<> - required parameter
{} - optional parameter


All ESRI products mentioned are trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Copyright: Ianko Tchoukanski